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If you have ever felt anxious and in need of a distraction, these tactile spinners are great to take your mind off things.


Made in Cornwall from soft chenille yarn, they are crochet infinity circles with a charming pasty charm—perfect for keeping your hands busy and your mind at ease.


Supplied with a detachable clip to attach to a handbag or keyring so you always have your spinner at hand.


First detach the clip from the spinner so that you don't drag your keyring/keys through the spinner.


Simply hold the spinner with your finger and thumb of one hand. Make sure the Pasty is facing you. With your fingers of the other hand, pull the edge up through the hole in the middle.


Constructed as a 'mobius strip', the spinner appears to have only one side, creating a mesmerizing, endless loop.


Remember to re-attach your spinner so that you always have it with you.


Discover ultimate relaxation with the Anxiety Infinity Spinner, exclusively at Mounts Bay Crafts.

Anxiety Infinity Spinner *Made in Cornwall*

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